Every year, as the fall approaches with its familiar rhythms of work and school, we set ourselves apart as a church and gather for seven consecutive days of prayer, fasting and worship.

These are some of the most impactful moments in our year as a church, not just because of the deep, personal and life-altering encounters with God, but because, year-after-year, we sense an increase in God’s presence in our midst.

“Where I Will Meet With You”

God’s promise has always been that as his people prepare a place for his presence, he will come and meet with them. Once again we sense the simple invitation of God to set ourselves apart for him to come meet us and speak to us. His presence is the prize of our lives and these days are a statement declaring that his presence among us is our highest priority.

“…there I will meet with you, and I will speak with you…” (Exodus 25:22)

We invite you to join us where you can. Whether it's one night or all seven days, we are praying and believing that we will be forever marked by his presence.

August Overview

7 Days of Prayer and Worship
Sunday - Saturday
August 25 - 31
Corporate Fast
Sunday - Saturday
August 25 - 31


Family Resource

We've put together a resource for parents and families.

This guide includes:

  • Biblical vision about building an altar in your home
  • Tips and advice
  • Daily worship guides to engage with as a family through the 7 Days of Prayer and Worship
Please be advised that there will be no kids program or childcare (with the exception of Aug 28) for the 7 Days of Prayer and Worship.** We encourage families to worship together.

**Childcare will be available on August 28 for nursery age children only (5 months - 36 months).
Please register through this link.

Corporate Fast

We invite you to join us as we fast corporately during the 7 Days of Prayer and Worship from August 25 - 31.

You can find more information on fasting here:
What is Fasting?

Prayer is a gift God has given to us to commune with him and there are many ways we can engage God in prayer. One of those ways is fasting. While we pray and fast, we focus our attention and give preference to the Spirit of God in us by resisting the draw of our flesh to what would normally bring us comfort or keep us in the status quo of our lives. Our spirits become sensitive to the Spirit of God in us and “thins the veil between heaven and earth”, as Michael Dow of Burning Ones puts it. Seasons of fasting can be very challenging, but can also be some of the most spiritually enriching times of your walk with Jesus. Keep in mind that fasting without prayer is just another restrictive diet that serves no spiritual purpose. Take the opportunity in fasting to deepen your walk with Jesus.

Types of Fasts

Drinking only water for the duration of the fast

No meat, no sweets and no bread.

No food during the day. Break the fast at dinner or a chosen time in the day.

This is not an exhaustive list, but simply a few suggestions that have been a blessing to many during their seasons of fasting. You may have another approach and that is perfectly ok. The heart to draw near to God is of first priority, the method can vary.

Keep in mind, biblical fasting is about food. Fasting different media can prove very beneficial, but when the scriptures speak of fasting they are referring to food.

When you fast, please do so with wisdom, prayer and your health in mind. If you have underlying health conditions, a history of eating disorders or an unhealthy view of your body, please be prayerful and seek counsel from a medical professional.

Preparing to Fast

When you are preparing to fast, spend time in prayer ahead of time to plan and articulate your motive, knowing what type of fast you will do and deciding when it will start and when it will end. If you happen to fall short of what you planned in prayer, leave no room for guilt or shame and just get back to where you were. As we engage in this spiritual practice, prepare your heart to know you may experience spiritual opposition, particularly in your thought life and attitudes of the mind. And if it comes, take heart and keep your focus on Jesus; set and reset your heart and mind on things above and you will stand in victory.

Additional Resources

Fasting: Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:14-15, Luke 18:9-14
Corporate Fasting:1 Samuel 7:5-6, Ezra 8:21-23, Nehemiah 9:1-3, Joel 2:15-16, Jonah 3:5-10, Acts 27:33-37

Prayer and Reading of the Word:
1 Samuel 1:6-8, 17-18, Nehemiah 1:4, Daniel 9:3, 20, Joel 2:12, Luke 2:37, Acts 10:30, Acts 13:2

Fasting: Rediscovering the Ancient Pathways by Michael Dow
Fasting Volume II: Your Life As A Weapon In The Hand Of God by Michael Dow
God's Chosen Fast: A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Fasting by Arthur Wallace