We’re building an altar of worship in the heart of Vancouver, together.

All throughout the journey of God and his people in scripture, the altar was a significant symbol of God’s desire to be with his people. The altar was an arrangement of imperfect stones that became a place of worship, a monument of remembrance, and a mark of promise. They all prophetically pointed to the greatest altar of all, the cross, upon which the perfect sacrifice would be laid to fulfill God’s plan to reconcile the world to himself through the blood of Jesus.

Now, in him, we are called living stones that are being built into a spiritual house. We believe God has been preparing us as an altar — a house of worship and prayer in downtown Vancouver with a call to participate in Jesus’ kingdom work to see lives transformed by his presence.

In 2016, we responded to the call to set ourselves apart for God’s presence and purpose in our city. Now, after laying a foundation that we believe will last generations, we feel the further call to respond in faith by expanding our capacity to welcome more people to come together and become a dwelling for his name.

Let’s build the altar together.

It's not about how much each person gives, but that each person is represented in our giving. Let's do this together.



(Indicate “Altars Building Fund”)

Pledge to give and set up recurring giving.


Send an amount to giving@churchuntitled.com

(Indicate Altars Building Fund in the memo line and include your name, email and address).

Cheque or Cash

Make cheques payable to Untitled Church

(Indicate Altars Building Fund in the memo line and include your name, email and address).

Mail to:
698 Seymour Street (Unit 410)
Vancouver, B.C.
V6B 3K3

Phase One:

House of
Worship &

9000 sqft Downtown Vancouver

Same location! Our new space is located just beneath our current church space at 674 Seymour Street.

2500 sqft of Kids Classrooms

Families will no longer need to walk down the block to drop-off and pickup their kids which means we can now worship together in the same location.

Free Parking

We will continue to offer free parking. Considering the city we live in, we don’t take this enormous blessing for granted!

350 Seat Sanctuary

We’ve been stretched in the capacity of our current space. This will double our current seating with the same immersive and intimate worship atmosphere.

Welcome Lobby & Coffee Bar

A space for connection and great coffee!

Phase Two:


We are repurposing our current 4500 sq ft street level gathering space to meet the needs of our city in creative ways including:
Hosting programs and initiatives that aid in recovery, identity, and purpose

Youth and young adults space

Creative and arts hub

Hosting other ministries that are in need of space in the city.

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do

— Ephesians 2:10

As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
— 1 Peter 2:3-4